Tuesday 10 May 2016

Moodle & Digital Learning Environments

Moodle & Digital Learning Environments

Moodle, an acronym for ‘Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment’ is a free learning management system that is used to create a digital learning environment, this is mostly used by various colleges and schools around the world. A digital learning environment is a resource area used by both students and teachers to deliver online lessons and learning resources through online and digital learning.

Some of the advantages of a digital learning are that the learner can work at their own pace and in their own conditions, not only for the learner, but teachers can get feedback on how their students are doing with activities and work. Some of the disadvantages are that they usually would not have anyone there if needed someone to help in person and that it may not be used correctly, giving the learner a disadvantage over how other course users use Moodle.

There are a range of other Digital Learning Environments to use such as Blackboard, Edmodo, Frog, eFront and Schoolology.

Blackboard is a Digital Learning Management System that is aimed more towards HE institutions, its focus is to get the information out there and used more as a resource point, to get documents out to students with less focus on activity based learning.

Frog is a supplier of e-Learning software which creates the platform for a Digital Learning Environment. Frog aims its services from primary school all the way to Academy schools including Independent schools as well.

Edmodo is different as it is an educational website that has taken the idea of a social network and made it appropriate for a classroom. Learners and teachers can reach out to each other and share thoughts, problems and ideas between each other. It’s safe as well as the teacher can see everything that is posted.

In an instance where I wanted to create a Digital Learning Environment that was focused more on communication and discussions I would choose Edmodo, this would be good as I could monitor the discussions and make sure they are productive.

A difficulty that may arise when trying to implement a Digital Learning Environment in a school for instance is that it would be introducing something new to a system that is already in place. This means that it would take time for both tutors and learners to get to grips with the software and capabilities. It is also making sure that it is being used in the most efficient way and beneficial for all involved.

Ways to improve the Digital Learning Environment could come in a wide array of ways, this could vary from how you would like to use the environment for your organisation. A way that I would improve it is to create more personalised learning packages that give the learner a personal feeling when they are learning, this makes them feel like the training is perfect for them and almost been delivered to them on a one to one sense.

On the flip side of this, some digital learning environments become neglected and become so untidy/unusable that tutors don’t want use it and this then gives the leaner a disadvantage as they could use this for valuable learning methods. To combat this I would make sure every tutor using their organisations learning environment is trained on how to use it and the most effective way so that the learners do not miss out.

Digital Learning Environments are very beneficial to users, especially to those who like to learn in a quitter environment than a classroom, learners can learn at their own pace, own setting and can keep a personal track on how they are doing. Classroom teaching and traditional methods are only improved by Digital Learning Environments, they can be used as an add on to teaching, even more so with class sizes varying and some students feeling like they are not being fulfilled to their full potential by not being given enough one to one time in the classroom. I believe that education will become even more digital over the coming years and will be a great learning experience for everyone involved.

Learners can work in environments that suit their needs

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